M450 - Testing


Task in german

Mocking kann eine wertvolle Erweiterung zu den bisherigen Unit- und Komponententests sein, besonders für das Testen von Komponenten, die von externen Abhängigkeiten oder komplexen Datenflüssen abhängen. Um sich mit den Konzepten des Mocking sowie den spezifischen Techniken und Frameworks für JavaScript und React vertraut zu machen, führen Sie die folgenden Schritte durch. Dabei unterstützt Sie ChatGPT als interaktiver Lernpartner.

Task 1 (Use ChatGPT to understand it)

Prompt 1: „Erkläre mir das Konzept von Mocking im Softwaretesting. Warum ist Mocking nützlich, und wann sollte es eingesetzt werden?“ Prompt 2: „Was sind die Unterschiede zwischen Mocks, Stubs, Spies, und Dummies? Geben Sie zu jedem eine kurze Erklärung und ein Beispiel.“ Prompt 3: „Welche Vorteile bietet Mocking beim Unit Testing und Komponententests in React? Wie kann es das Testen von Komponenten erleichtern?“

Prompt 1:

Mocking is a software testing technique that involves creating simulated versions of real objects or components, known as mocks, to test specific parts of a system in isolation. This approach is particularly useful when real objects are difficult to control, not yet implemented, or irrelevant to the test. (Software Testing Stuff)

Why is Mocking Useful? •** Isolated Testing:** Allows individual components to be tested independently from their dependencies, facilitating the identification of errors and enhancing test coverage. (Devopedia) • Controlled Test Environment: Enables the simulation of specific scenarios, including error states or unusual conditions, which might be challenging to reproduce with real objects. (Software Testing Stuff) •** Faster Tests:** Requires fewer resources than real objects (such as databases or external services), leading to quicker test execution and increased efficiency in the testing process. (Devopedia)

When Should Mocking Be Used? •** External Dependencies:** When the code under test relies on external systems like databases, web services, or APIs, mocks can simulate these dependencies, making the test independent of their availability or state. (Software Testing Stuff) • Non-Deterministic Behavior: For components that produce unpredictable results (e.g., current time or random numbers), mocks ensure consistent and reproducible test outcomes. (Software Testing Stuff) •** Complex Setups:** If setting up real objects for testing is complex or time-consuming, mocks offer a simpler alternative. (Devopedia)

However, it is important to use mocking judiciously. Overuse can lead to tests that are overly dependent on implementation details and less meaningful. Therefore, mocking should primarily be employed when it enhances testability and increases the reliability of tests.

Sources: • What is Mock Testing? - Software Testing Stuff (https://www.softwaretestingstuff.com/what-is-mock-testing (opens in a new tab)) • Mock Testing - Devopedia (Devopedia)

Reflection on the Answer of prompt 1

Reflecting on this answer, I can see that this answer of GPT-4o is legit. Due to the experience I got at my current company, I can confirm that this is the case

Prompt 2

In software testing, test doubles are objects that stand in for real components to facilitate testing. The primary types include dummies, stubs, spies, and mocks. Each serves a distinct purpose:

  1. Dummies • Description: Dummies are placeholder objects passed to fulfill parameter requirements but are never actually used in the test. (IG Gems) • Example: If a function requires an object as a parameter but doesn’t utilize it during execution, a dummy object can be provided to satisfy the parameter list.

  2. Stubs • Description: Stubs provide predefined responses to method calls made during the test and typically do not have any implementation logic. (IG Gems) • Example: A stub for a database query method might always return a specific record, regardless of the input query.

  3. Spies • Description: Spies wrap around real objects to monitor their behavior, allowing tests to verify interactions such as method calls and parameters used. (Atomic Object) • Example: A spy could track how many times a particular method was called and with what arguments, enabling verification of expected interactions.

  4. Mocks • Description: Mocks are objects pre-programmed with expectations about the interactions they should receive. They can verify that the system under test behaves as expected by checking that the correct methods are called with the expected parameters. (Atomic Object) • Example: A mock object might be set up to expect a method call with specific arguments and can throw an exception if the call doesn’t occur as expected.

Understanding these distinctions helps in selecting the appropriate test double for various testing scenarios, leading to more effective and targeted tests.

Prompt 3:

  1. Isolated Testing: By replacing real dependencies with mocks, components can be tested in isolation. This ensures that tests focus solely on the component’s behavior without interference from external factors. (Dev.to)

  2. Controlled Test Environment: Mocks allow developers to simulate specific scenarios, including edge cases and error conditions, which might be challenging to reproduce with real dependencies. This leads to more comprehensive test coverage. (Dev.to)

  3. Enhanced Test Performance: Testing with real dependencies, such as databases or external APIs, can be time-consuming. Mocks provide immediate responses, resulting in faster test execution and a more efficient development workflow. (BrowserStack)

  4. Simplified Setup: Setting up real dependencies for testing can be complex and resource-intensive. Mocks simplify the setup process, making it easier to write and maintain tests. (BrowserStack)

  5. Improved Reliability: External services may be unreliable or unavailable during testing. Mocks ensure consistent and predictable behavior, leading to more reliable test outcomes. (Dev.to)

Reflection on the Answer of prompt 3

Also here I can confirm, that it seems legit to my experience

Task 2 (We were allowed to use ChatGPT)

Prompt 1: „Welche Mocking-Frameworks gibt es für JavaScript, insbesondere für die Verwendung mit Jest und React? Welche Funktionen bieten diese Frameworks?“ Prompt 2: „Erkläre mir, wie jest.mock() funktioniert und wie es für das Mocking von Modulen in JavaScript verwendet wird.“ Prompt 3: „Wie wird ein Mock in Jest eingerichtet, und was sind die wichtigsten Methoden, die Jest für das Mocking bereitstellt (z.B. mockReturnValue oder mockImplementation)?“

Prompt 1:

  1. Jest • Description: A comprehensive testing framework with built-in mocking capabilities. • Features: • Mock Functions: Create mocks with jest.fn() to track calls and return values. • Module Mocking: Use jest.mock() to mock entire modules or specific functions. • Automatic Mocking: Jest can automatically mock modules, reducing manual setup.

  2. React Testing Library • Description: Focuses on testing React components from a user’s perspective; integrates seamlessly with Jest. • Features: • Component Rendering: Render components in a test environment. • Interaction Simulation: Simulate user interactions like clicks or inputs. • DOM Queries: Provide functions to locate elements in the rendered output.

  3. Sinon.js • Description: A standalone library for creating spies, stubs, and mocks; compatible with various test frameworks, including Jest. • Features: • Spies: Monitor function calls and arguments. • Stubs: Replace functions with controlled implementations. • Mocks: Create objects with predefined behaviors and expectations.

  4. Enzyme • Description: A testing utility for React components, often used alongside Jest. • Features: • Shallow Rendering: Render a component without its child components. • Full DOM Rendering: Render the entire component with all children. • Static Rendering: Generate static HTML output for components.

Choosing the right mocking framework depends on your project’s needs. Jest’s built-in mocking features are robust and commonly paired with React Testing Library or Enzyme for effective React component testing.

Prompt 2:

jest.mock() is a function provided by the Jest testing framework that allows you to mock entire modules in JavaScript. Mocking modules is essential for isolating the code under test by replacing real implementations with controlled, simulated versions.

How jest.mock() Works:

When you invoke jest.mock('moduleName'), Jest automatically creates a mock version of the specified module. This mock replaces the original module's implementation with mock functions that have no behavior by default. You can then customize these mock functions to return specific values or behaviors as needed for your tests.

Using jest.mock() to Mock Modules:

  1. Automatic Mocking: By calling jest.mock('moduleName'), Jest generates an automatic mock for the module.

    // Original module
    const axios = require('axios');
    // Mocking the module
  2. Manual Mocking with Custom Implementation: You can provide a custom implementation for the mocked module by supplying a factory function as the second argument to jest.mock().

    // Mocking with custom implementation
    jest.mock('axios', () => ({
      get: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ data: {} })),
      post: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ data: {} })),
  3. Mocking ES6 Classes: When mocking ES6 classes, Jest replaces the class constructor and all its methods with mock functions.

    // Original class
    class User {
      getName() {
        return 'Original Name';
    // Mocking the class
    const User = require('./User');
    const mockGetName = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('Mocked Name');
    User.mockImplementation(() => ({
      getName: mockGetName,

Important Considerations:

  • Placement of jest.mock() Call: Ensure that jest.mock() is called before importing the module you intend to test. This guarantees that the module is mocked correctly.

  • Resetting Mocks: After each test, it's advisable to reset mocks to prevent side effects. You can achieve this by calling jest.resetAllMocks().

By utilizing jest.mock(), you can effectively isolate dependencies and create controlled test environments, leading to more reliable and accurate test results.

Prompt 3

In Jest, mocks simulate functions or modules to isolate and control code behavior during testing. Key methods include:

  • jest.fn(): Creates a mock function.

    const mockFunction = jest.fn();
  • mockReturnValue(value): Sets a default return value.

  • mockReturnValueOnce(value): Sets a return value for the next call.

  • mockImplementation(fn): Defines a custom implementation.

    mockFunction.mockImplementation((a, b) => a + b);
  • mockImplementationOnce(fn): Defines a custom implementation for the next call.

    mockFunction.mockImplementationOnce((a, b) => a * b);
  • jest.mock('moduleName'): Mocks an entire module.

  • mockClear(): Clears call history.

  • mockReset(): Resets all information, including implementation.

  • mockRestore(): Restores the original implementation (useful for spies).


These methods allow precise control over mock behavior in Jest tests.