Property Testing with FSCheck

What is Property Testing?

How I like to say it is: A way to convert 5 tests to 5 thousand tests. Property testing is quite famous now in the functional Programming world. That's why the implementation for dotnet (FsCheck) is in F# and also thought for it. But as Dotnet is intercompatible, we are also able to use that in C#! Initially it was introduce in Haskell in a framework called: "Haskell"

How it tests is simple. It tests by Property. So it checks if a function or any sut can take this property and use it in a proper way. So for example in an API it creates multiple entries in a database with those properties and than you try to do a GET call on that API. If it returns the same value as you initally created or you transformed them appropriately than the test passes. The nice thing there is, that you can specify how many times it should create those random properties.

That was a short introduction to this topic. Under this folder, you will find more in detail.