Describe Azure compute and networking ervices
Describe application hosting options

Describe application hosting options

Azure App Service

  • Able to host webapps, API's, mobile backends and so on.
  • It supports both Windows and Linux.
  • CI/CD works with both Github and Azure DevO, but also with other CI/CD tools.
  • Azure App Service supports: .NET, .NET Core, Java, Ruby, Node.js, PHP, or Pthon.

App service types

  • Web apps
    • Full support for the languages mentioned above
    • Supports both Windows and Linux
  • API
    • Same as web apps, but with additional features for API's
  • WebJobs
    • Able to run programs (exe, java and so on) or scripts.
    • Can be triggered by a schedule or manually
  • Mobile apps
    • Mobile app data can be saved in a SQL db
    • Authentication can be doone with common social providers.
    • Push notifications can be sent
    • Custom backend logic in C# and Node.js