Virtual machines
This is an IaaS virtual machine on top of a server from microsoft.
- Total control over the VM
- Can install any software
- Can configure networking
- No need to buy hardware
For minor tasks you can use one single VM, but for bigger tasks you can use multiple VMs in a group, which than can be scaled.
Create Nginx VM with cloud cli (Via MS Learn)
- Create a VM
az vm create
--resource-group [sandbox resource group name]
--name my-vm
--public-ip-sku Standard
--image Ubuntu2204
--admin-username azureuser
- Configure Nginx
az vm extension set
--resource-group [sandbox resource group name]
--vm-name my-vm
--name customScript
--publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions
--version 2.1
--settings '{"fileUris":[""]}'
--protected-settings '{"commandToExecute": "./"}'
Virtual Desktop
You can connect from anywhere and on any device. It also isolates the desktop environment from the Virtual Desktop. With Multi sessions multiple users can use the same VM at the same time.